Saturday, February 27, 2010

Only the Curious...

This Side - Nickel Creek

You dream of colors that have never been made,
You imagine songs that have never been played.
They will try to buy you and your mind.
Only the curious have something to find.

This is one of the songs that inspires me. The lyric, "only the curious have something to find," is something that I live by. It was my senior quote and years have gone by and the meaning is stronger than ever. 2010 is bring about many changes. My path thus far has been planed out. In a few short months I will be on my own. A college graduate, entering the work force, and not moving back to California.

What does this lyric mean to me you might ask. More than ever before, there are so many changes that are happening. I am ready for them! I am curious to see what the future has in store for me. I am eager to find out what is beyond the world that I have always known. I excited to experience something new and exciting. This is why this this quote from Nickel Creek is so meaningful to me. It is how I want to live my life.

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